Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey

Rob Murphy’s passion for the theatrical moviegoing experience shines through every frame!


Splice Here: A Projected Odyssey

FILM IS DEAD! The mantra that accompanied the dawn of the digital projection age. But was it really true? Ten years ago it was clear to those of us who worked with film that the digital experience wasn't remotely the same thing. So as the debate and the comparisons raged on, I decided to ask the people who would really know; my fellow projectionists. Does film have a future and how will our treasured movie memories live on? The projectionist underground is a passionate, clandestine world and over time I came to realize that this disenfranchised community wasn't just collecting film memorabilia; they were saving titles from extinction. Legacy cinema is facing a largely unknown digital danger. We may be the last generation to be able to experience great cinema as it was meant to be seen... on film.
Not Rated
Documentary, Films & Filmmakers
Rob Murphy
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