Free Sneaks

Join our Sneaks Club and get behind the velvet rope!

Free movie screenings.

Enjoy free movies with the Laemmle Sneaks Club. Club members are invited to advance screenings on an eclectic array of independent/arthouse films that will be coming soon to Laemmle.  There is no set schedule, but we average two Sneaks per month. Periodic special events and repertory screenings are thrown into the bargain.  With the Sneaks Club, you'll never know what will happen next!  Best of all, there is no cost to join -- simply sign up here. Want more info? Click here.


Sign up here to join the Sneaks Club.

Watch your inbox for free screening invites.

Check out the latest club info here.

Follow the on-screen RSVP instructions when you want to attend an event.

Enjoy the show!

Some restrictions apply. Check here for further details.