Shorts By the Sea Vol. 6 - September 13 - During the Day

LAST CHANCE! Thu, Sep 19

Shorts By the Sea Vol. 6 - September 13 - During the Day

Uncle Bully's Surf Skool 
-39' Short Documentary from Todd Soliday and Leah Warshawski

EDGES - the borders that define us
-15' Short Live Action from Halasius Bradford

Silent Killer
-33' Short Documentary from Kalia Love Jones

Red Envelope
-21' Short Live Action from Tami Xu

The Queen's Flowers
-11' Short Animation from Ciara Lacy

Gaming for Love
-13' Short Live Action from Erin Gavin

-1' Short Live Action from Anbu Rajasekar
Click a BLUE SHOWTIME to purchase tickets
Monica Film Center
Just Opened
1332 2nd Street