Just In!
Paula Abdul and Walter Koenig will participate in a Q&A after the twilight screening of Raging Midlife at the Royal on Sunday, March 16. Aaron Ross will moderate.
Raging Midlife
Raging Midlife
Mark and Alex embark on a journey to retrieve a cherished tank top worn by their idol, iconic '80s wrestler "Raging Abraham Lincoln," after they are outbid by a grieving daughter, Tyler, determined to fulfill her late father's wish to be torched in the shirt. As romance sparks between Alex and Tyler, Alex must choose between the love of his life and the ultimate piece of wrestling memorabilia.
Rob Taylor
Nic Costa,
Luke Haigh,
Joe Costa
Paula Abdul,
Eddie Griffin,
Walter Koenig,
Emily Sweet,
Nic Costa,
Matt Zak,
Darielle Mason,
Bryna Smith,
Rob Taylor,
Motch O Mann,
Judy Levitt,
Joseph Aviel,
Danielle Vasinova
Opening at
Royal on Mar 14th
Raging Midlife Get Tickets
Click a BLUE SHOWTIME to purchase tickets
Note: There were no showtimes for Thu, Mar 13th,
so instead we're showing you showtimes for the next available date on Fri, Mar 14th.