PFF- Animation
PFF- Animation
6 YEARS LATER (6 lat pozniej) (2015, 5 min.) by Kamil Wojcik
BESIDE ONESELF (Wyjde z siebie) (2016, 5 min.) by Karolina Specht
BLACK VOLGA (Czarna wolga) (2015, 4 min.) by Marta Wiktorowicz
BROKEN TALE (2016, 9 min.) by Kasia Zimnoch, Pawel Kleszczewski
COSMOS.(Kosmos) (2016, 2 min 30 sec.) by Daria Kopiec
DEBUT (Debiut) (2016, 7 min.) by Katarzyna Kijek
DREARY TAMING (Ponura tresura) (2016, 5 min. 8 sec.) by Ala Nunu Leszynska
THE EVENT HORIZON (Horyzont zdarzen) (2017, 12 min. 29 sec.) by Michal Orzechowski
FOREIGN BODY.(Cialo obce) (2016, 7 min.) by Marta Magnuska
FRANK O'HARA – MAYAKOVSKY (2016, 57 sec.) by Jakub Skorupa
IN THE WOODS, FIELDS, ON WATER, IN THE AIR, LOCAL CREATURES BRING FEAR (Straszydla rodzime wsrod lasow na wodach na polach na wietrze) (2017, 8 min. 42 sec.) by Pawel Kleszczewski
PENCILESS CASE (Piornik) (2016, 7 min.) by Magdalena Pilecka
Free admission to screenings of Documentary, Shorts and Animation Programs
Passes are available (first come first served) at the box office.
BESIDE ONESELF (Wyjde z siebie) (2016, 5 min.) by Karolina Specht
BLACK VOLGA (Czarna wolga) (2015, 4 min.) by Marta Wiktorowicz
BROKEN TALE (2016, 9 min.) by Kasia Zimnoch, Pawel Kleszczewski
COSMOS.(Kosmos) (2016, 2 min 30 sec.) by Daria Kopiec
DEBUT (Debiut) (2016, 7 min.) by Katarzyna Kijek
DREARY TAMING (Ponura tresura) (2016, 5 min. 8 sec.) by Ala Nunu Leszynska
THE EVENT HORIZON (Horyzont zdarzen) (2017, 12 min. 29 sec.) by Michal Orzechowski
FOREIGN BODY.(Cialo obce) (2016, 7 min.) by Marta Magnuska
FRANK O'HARA – MAYAKOVSKY (2016, 57 sec.) by Jakub Skorupa
IN THE WOODS, FIELDS, ON WATER, IN THE AIR, LOCAL CREATURES BRING FEAR (Straszydla rodzime wsrod lasow na wodach na polach na wietrze) (2017, 8 min. 42 sec.) by Pawel Kleszczewski
PENCILESS CASE (Piornik) (2016, 7 min.) by Magdalena Pilecka
Free admission to screenings of Documentary, Shorts and Animation Programs
Passes are available (first come first served) at the box office.
Played at
NoHo 7 10.23.17 - 10.23.17
PFF- Animation Get Tickets
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