Resistance: They Fought Back

A vital documentary for anyone wanting a deeper understanding about the courage and the necessity of resistance by Jewish people.


Resistance: They Fought Back

For decades, the world believed that Jews faced their fate passively during the Holocaust, like sheep to the slaughter. This ambitious and groundbreaking film unveils a different story, shedding light on the heroic stories of Jews who actively resisted their oppressors. They engaged in over 60 armed uprisings in ghettos, 25 within concentration and slave labor camps, numbered in the thousands among partisan units in the forests of Europe, and joined in non-violent resistance campaigns against the Nazis.

The film travels to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Israel, and the U.S. to illuminate the forgotten, and largely unknown, stories of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust — and honors the fighters' soulful bravery and leadership. Through interviews with historians, survivors, and their families, the film belies a long-held myth and shines a new light on a lost chapter of history.

"A vital documentary for anyone wanting a deeper understanding about the courage and the necessity of resistance by Jewish people and allies during the Holocaust. The movie combines history with personal testimonials." ~ Carla Hay, Culture Mix
Not Rated
Documentary, Jewish Culture, History
English, Polish, Latvian, Hebrew, Lithuanian
Paula Apsell, Kirk Wolfinger
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