Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/28/2024 - 14:28
The new comedy Between the Temples, starring Jason Schwartzman as a troubled cantor who finds his world turned upside down when his grade school music teacher (a never-better Carol Kane) re-enters his life as his adult Bat Mitzvah student, is living up to the hype and bringing audiences into theaters. Peruse this sampling of the catalyst for the film's success, critics' reviews:

"A spiky, hilarious, and thoroughly unorthodox screwball comedy about a grief-stricken cantor who loses his voice, only to find that he’s surrounded by a chorus of well-intentioned people who are happy to speak for him." ~ David Ehrlich, indieWire

"We get the sense that Silver would be perfectly happy just sitting there and watching these people forever, story and conflict and resolution be damned. And it really is in these characters’ close exchanges that the movie comes to life." ~ Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine/Vulture

"Both stars -- romantic leads with character actor cred -- have the power to be funny and heartbreaking simultaneously, and their unique chemistry drives the film’s craziness and humanity." ~ Thelma Adams, AARP Movies for Grownups

Between the Temples emerges as a quirky and effective showcase for two actors known for playing oddball characters. Kane and Schwartzman bounce off each other so well that their work alone makes the film worth seeing." ~ Odie Henderson, Boston Globe

"The relationship that unfolds, with shades of Harold and Maude, is honest and unsparing, as well as being blatantly Freudian." ~ Kevin Maher, Times

"The movie is consistently funny, but its humor tends to be fairly gentle because it’s rooted in human behavior rather than in condescending, judgmental ideas about such behavior." ~ Manohla Dargis, New York Times

"Schwartzman is very affecting as a perplexed, tragicomic galoot and Kane is a marvel." ~ Jonathan Romney, Financial Times

"Shot wanly on film in wintertime, Between the Temples takes a while to reveal its depths – its linguistic wit, its cockeyed humor and compassion, how it can modulate from deadpan-slapstick to achingly poignant and still feel authentic in both keys." ~ Kimberley Jones, Austin Chronicle

"With both misery and comedy, director Nathan Silver satisfyingly captures the Jewish experience." ~ Joey Shapiro, Chicago Reader

"The real attraction here is the interplay between the two leads, which makes Between the Temples sing." ~ Randy Myers, San Jose Mercury News