Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink

Stripped for Parts vividly shows the causes and consequences of the decimation of community journalism.

COMING SOON OPENS in 18 days, October 4

Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink

Hedge fund Alden Global Capital is quietly gobbling up newspapers across the country and gutting them. No one knows why, until journalist Julie Reynolds begins to investigate. Her in-depth reporting, over several years, triggers rebellions across the country by journalists working at Alden-owned newspapers. Backed by the NewsGuild union, the newsmen and women go toe-to-toe with their “vulture capitalist” owners in a battle to save and rebuild local journalism in America. Who will control the future of America’s news ecosystem: Wall Street billionaires concerned only with profit OR those who see journalism as an essential public service and the lifeblood of our democracy?
Not Rated
Documentary, Capitalism, Democracy
Rick Goldsmith
Rick Goldsmith, Lauren Kawana
Rick Goldsmith
Tickets for "Stripped for Parts: American Journalism on the Brink" will go on sale no later than Tuesday, Oct 1st at 7pm.

BE ADVISED: Ticketing may begin earlier. Please check back regularly for updates.